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Nucleic Acid ​

Word count
135 words
Reading time
1 minute

Polymer of nucleotides linked by phosphodiester bonds
A.k.a. polynucleotide

Formed by dehydration

Function: stores & transmits hereditable information

Types ​

Deoxyribonucleic acid ​

Abbr. DNA
Two strands in antiparallel (one from 3' to 5', the other from 5' to 3'), whose N-bases are held together by H-bonds
Pentose: deoxyribose
N-bases: C-G (triple H-bonds) & A-T (double H-bonds)


  • Makes up chromosomes and genes
  • Directs its own synthesis through replication
  • Directs the synthesis of RNA through transcription

Ribonucleic acid ​

Abbr. RNA
One strand
Pentose: ribose
N-bases: C-G & A-U pairs

Messenger ​

Abbr. mRNA
Directs protein synthesis through translation

Transfer ​

Abbr. tRNA
Acts as a delivery vehicle during protein synthesis

Ribosomal ​

Abbr. rRNA
Makes up the structure of the ribosome

